Allegra is driving me crazy!
I thought this would be over with.
I say yes, she says no.
She says goodbye. I say hello.
It is ridiculous. I am not sure what to do. I feel like she is out to get me. And getting into an argument with someone when you both speak different languages is not very fun either.
At least she apologized in the end. I am fed up with it though!!!
She has this evil eye - evil glare that actually kinda freaks me out. I think I am a bit scared of her actually. Silly, you would think, to be scared of an eight year old, but so is life!
Anyways, if anyone knows of any B.R.A.T. control for eight year olds hit me up!!!!
I got really lucky with Marrina... but I can tell you that eight is the age when girls start to think that they're ready for the adult world. Sounds silly, huh? But it seems to be true. And even though they think they want to be treated as adults (make their own decisions, start wearing make-up, etc) a part of them is still haning on to being a protected little princess that plays with dolls. I think that creates a lot of conflicting emotions which of course equals B.R.A.T.! There is no easy answer, my dearest Jenny, and a lot of what you're going through might just be because you're the "new girl" in her family, but just try to be firm yet fair, do some girly stuff with her and hang in there!