Being abroad reminds me of well, being abroad!!!
I do not mean to compare Italy to Mexico, but there are definitely some things I do here in Italy that just don't cut it the way that Mexico did.
For one: Public Transportation.
I LOVED taking it in Mexico. You get on the bus and pay the driver on the spot, telling him where you are going. Then you sit amongst a crowd of people with their mini radios or cell phones playing music, not to mention the little boys or old men who would catch a ride to play or sing a song. And the traffic. I hated it when I was there, but long bus rides can be fun when you have music to listen to and people to watch. Here in Italy I have a pre-paid ticket, I get on the bus, sit next to old Italians in silence, and get off ten minutes later. Not quite the excitement of Mexico.
Food. Okay, I know I was spoiled to death in Mexico with my fresh tortillas, beans, rice, and vegetables, but if I eat pasta one more time I am going to SCREAM. SCREAM!!!! Okay. I did it, because I have no choice. I will eat pasta again. And again and again for the next three months. I may have to vow against eating pasta once I get home. If I don't my stomach may feel like this:

Okay, okay, I know that is a little much, but I hope you got the laugh I did out of it.
Anyways, we eat pasta pretty much every single day, it cracks me up because Barbara always talks like we are eating something new. Well this is ragout, tonight is spaghetti, then later we will have gnocci. It is all the SAME!!!!!! Pastsa is pasta if you ask me, but then again, I am American, not Italian.
I don't really get the craze about the pasta thing, I would rather eat something else, but oh well. It's not like I have a ton of choices anyways.
Open markets.
Okay, well it isnt' really fair for me to compare yet, because I have not been to the "real" open market here yet, but some of my best days with Dany in Mexico were when we would speed through the open markets, passing everything from fresh peaches to beans to mole to bananas and cheeses. My strolls around Como include passing by windows of clothing, clothing, and more clothing. And coffee and gelato, of course. Interestingly enough, I learned that it is not culturally correct to walk into a small store unless you are set upon buying something. It is for this reason that the large window displays exist, so that the customer can get a good look before making a decision and walking in. I am guessing this makes it a pretty easy job for the storekeeper inside.
Speaking of pasta again, (sorry, it is just a very large theme in my life) I have now had pasta with rabbit, pasta with prosciutto, pasta with tuna, pasta with shrimp, plain pasta, pasta with red sauce, pasta with white sauce, pasta with weird green thingies um, yea, a lot of pasta...
What else...Spanish. I miss being able to speak another language!!! There have been many large gatherings lately (lunches, dinners, etc) and I literally sit there and listen, not understanding a word. Fun.
I miss my neighbors in Mexico, and being more physically active.
Am I making Italy sound miserable? I hope not.
I miss hanging out with Dany, and our crazy adventures we had together.
I miss really hot days and multiple showers.
I miss the food. Did I say that already???
Anyways, happy May 15th! I would have graduated today if it weren't for my leave of absence. Whop whop! Congrats to the graduates of 2011. I am right behind you!!!
Okay, ciao for now.
Until next time.